Illinois Sate Police are cracking down on seat belt use through the holidays...

by, Gerry Edward, editor, MyQuincyArea.Com

Posted: 11.26.09 @4:24PM
Last Updated: 11.26.09 @4:24PM

(MyQuincyArea.Com) Quincy, IL - The Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois States police are cracking down through the holidays on seat belt usage using their Click it or Ticket Campaign.

Reports show that the Illinois vehicle operators have met a record high of 91.7 percent in seat belt usage and this new short campaign is to reach a new record high of 100 Percent to save more lives.  Their goal from this campaign is to save an extra 100 lives in the state. 

Previous reports show that the over all seat belt usage since they started the primary safety belt law, the usage has increased by a little over 15 percent.  In 2003 the seat belt usage was around 76 percent and now its currently standing at 91% in 2009.  Reports also show that the number of Illinois Highway fatalities was 1,454 in 2003 and this year so far at 883.

The new campaign is effective through November, 29 and is including 193 law enforcement agencies, and a total of 12,268 hours toward this campaign. 

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