32" Flat Screen TV
Almost New Sony 32" Flat Screen TV, Only 3 Months old, I have to move back to Missouri and don't need it!!! $200 Call 217-000-0000 or email me at Freddy@sdfdsf.com
3/4" X 8"    10-Day Listing Fee without a picture
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$5 if item is over $1,001

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Greetings / Memo Ads $3
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$6 if item is $151-$500 
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Garage Sales Ads $7
Greetings / Memo Ads $7
All other Ads $11
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If Item is not Merchandise for sale and its a different type of classified ad, then fees are as follows...

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Greetings / Memo Ads $9
All other Ads $13

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Here at MyQuincyArea.com, We are happy to have your business and 100% believe in having a Quality Staff, and Customer Service.  If your have a problem with any of our services, please contact me personally by email at MyQuincyArea@yahoo.com or Call me at 217-779-8780, and I will make sure that I take care of it. If you Order a Classified ad and you don't sell your item, we will advertise it again for no charge!!!

   Thanks, Gerry Edward, Owner of MyQuincyArea.Com
32" Flat Screen TV
Almost New Sony 32" Flat Screen TV, Only 3 Months old, I have to move back to Missouri
and don't need it!!! $200 Call 217-000-0000 or email me at Freddy@sdfdsf.com
1.25" X 8"    10-Day Listing Fee with or without picture.
$2 if item is Under $150
$4 if item is $101-$500 
$6 if item is $501-$1,000
$8 if item is over $1,001

If Item is not Merchandise for sale and its a different type of classified ad, then fees are as follows...

Garage Sales Ads $5
Greetings / Memo Ads $5
All other Ads $7
32" Flat Screen TV
Almost New Sony 32" Flat Screen TV, Only 3 Months old, I have to
move back to Missouri and don't need it!!! $200 Call 217-000-0000
or email me at Freddy@sdfdsf.com
32" Flat Screen TV
Almost New Sony 32" Flat Screen TV, Only 3
Months old, I have to move back to Missouri
and don't need it!!! $200 Call 217-000-0000
or email me at Freddy@sdfdsf.com
32" Flat Screen TV
Almost New Sony 32" Flat Screen
TV, Only 3 Months old, I have to
move back to Missouri and don't
need it!!! $200 Call 217-000-0000
or email me at Freddy@sdfdsf.com
3" X 8"    10-Day Listing Fee with or without pictures
$5 if item is Under $150
$10 if item is $151-$500 
$12  if item is $501-$1,000
$13  if item is over $1,001

If Item is not Merchandise for sale and its a different type of classified ad, then fees are as follows...

Garage Sales Ads $12
Greetings / Memo Ads $12
All other Ads $15

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32" Flat Screen TV (AdTitle)
Almost New Sony 32" Flat ScreenTV, Only 3 Months old, I have to move back to Missouri and don't need it!!! $200 Call 217-000-0000 or email me at JaneDoe@yahoo.com
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